Thursday, September 6, 2018

Mrs. Cullum's Class

Leigh Cullum
School Office 574-3443


o  Fountas and Pinnell Classroom 
o   IRA- Independent Read Aloud- Books are read to students in whole group setting.  Students engage in discussion with one another about the book to construct meaning.
o   SR- Shared Reading- Big books are read to the whole group. Small copies of the book are available which students can listen to and read on the computers and read independently. Texts provide early experiences with print and promote the development of reading process.
o   PWS- Phonics, Spelling and Word Study Lessons- Whole group instruction on Early Literacy Concepts to Word Solving Actions.
o   RML-Reading Minilessons- Whole group instruction for students to use in Guided Reading and Independent Reading.
o   GR- Guided Reading- Students read books at an instructional level in small groups with the teacher.  Students read texts and are instructed on reading strategies.

o  Literacy Workshop-  This will begin at the end of 1stquarter and continue the rest of the year. Children will work in small groups and independently on one of the following activities.
o  Guided Reading- with me  TAKE HOME BOOKSbeginning second quarter
o  Browsing Boxes- These are books that around the children’s independent reading level.  The children will read these independently.
o  Buddy Reading- Children will read a book from his/her Browsing Box to a friend then the friend will read to him/her.
o  Listening Center- Children will read and listen to SR books on the Chrome books.
o  Charts- Children can use pointers to read charts in our classroom.
o  Big Books- Children can use pointers to read SR big books
o  Writing Table- Children can choose what to write at the green writing table
o  ABC/Word work- Children will go to the red table and work on an extension of phonics or an abc or word activity.
o  Theme Boxes- Children will read books independently from theme book boxes.  Theses boxes will change quarterly.
o  Poetry Folder- Children will read poems that are in their poetry folder.

Writing Workshop- Lucy Caulkins, Units of Study  
Children will be writing 3 times a week following the Units of Study.  There will be 4 units throughout the year.  You will get a check sheet with your child’s work at the end of each unit.

o  Daily- There will be math stations as well as whole group activities.  Some Fridays we will work in the workbook.
o  Calendar

o  Picture Perfect Science on Fridays beginning 3rdquarter.

o  Middle and End of each quarter. Starting in the middle of second quarter, a quick check sheet will be sent home. End of the quarter a packet will be sent home.  I will communicate any concerns I have as they arise. Please let me know if you have any concerns.
o  Report Cards- every quarter on-line -will need username and password to access your child’s report card on progress book. Quarter expectations are included in the packet
o  AIMES Web Assessments- 3 times throughout the year, September, January and May

o  Chrome books- We have enough for each child to use.

o  Arrival and Departure: 8:30-3:25 PM
o  Arrival Routines-please have children start walking in by themselves after the first full week of school.  There will be teachers in the hallway to help them.
o  Star of the Week- You will receive a letter the week prior to your child's Star of the Week week.

o  Class Dojo
o  PBS- Positive Behavior Support: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe!
o  Power Paws, Class Compliments
o  Class Rules and Expectations- I expectthe children to follow simple rules in the classroom that are reviewed frequently at the beginning of the year.   A child may be removed from the group if he/she is having a hard time attending. If there is a big issue with your child, I will call you and let you know what happened.

o   Snack- We will have a snack the 1st week only.
o   Home/School Binder- Please keep in book bag, check daily & empty each night
o   Books Orders- I send home at the beginning of most months.

o  Communication- I will update our Class Dojo Story regularly and send updates on Fridays.  I will send out an email saying it is updated.  Please contact me any time with questions or concerns.

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